Remembering Infinity

Spirituality | Metaphysics | Consciousness | Life

Remembering Infinity: Perfectly Imperfect


The “flaws” we see in ourselves are really just the special differences that make us wonderfully unique!

The “flaws” we see in ourselves are really just the special differences that make us wonderfully unique!

So, let me ask. When was the last time you really appreciated you?

Oh, sure—if you’re anything like me, you probably glance at yourself in a mirror every morning while brushing your teeth or your hair. You’re probably in a rush to go wherever—and one of the last things you notice is that new wrinkle, gray hair, or blemish. Then you dash off, perhaps wishing you were a little taller, better looking, or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. This is because most of us tend to look at ourselves with an overly critical eye—and we are, quite often, our own worst critics.

To be sure, advertising, popular culture, and the mainstream media have conditioned us to feel that way. They do their best to run us down, making us painfully aware of our limitations and differences. Unfortunately, that’s how many of them make their fortunes—by capitalizing on our insecurities. Through them we’re constantly told how we should look, what we should wear, how we should act, and even what we should think. In subtle—and sometimes not so subtle ways, they tell us we need to be ashamed of ourselves for being who we are. But is that really right?  Should we feel badly about ourselves–just because we don’t conform with someone else’s idea of perfection?

Absolutely not!

The Truth is that you are perfect—just the way you are!  You are a wonderfully unique being and a divinely inspired work of art. The things you most likely see as “flaws” really aren’t. They’re the very special differences that make you—well, you. It’s because of these differences that you’re delightfully different from every other person, every other creature, and every other being in the infinite vastness of All-That-Is.

So the next time you see yourself in a mirror, look at yourself in an entirely new way and smile! See yourself as I and many others see you—a brilliantly beautiful human being. Take a moment to love yourself just for being you. Finally, accept, appreciate, and embrace all the things that make you special and different—because you’re “perfectly imperfect”.  You truly are one of a kind! 



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20 thoughts on “Remembering Infinity: Perfectly Imperfect

  1. Hi!!! 🙂 I was in your blog, and I loved it!! 😀 You won a follower now!
    If you are into fashion check out my blog

    Have an Amazing Day hun! ❤


  2. You have such a beautiful talent when it comes to expressing things with words. Is it ok to reblog this?? I know a couple of people this also applies too. Yes, I sure am guilty of being my own worst critic but your post has made me look at things in a new light, thank you so much for that 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! Absolutely! Feel free to share anything you like. If something is helpful, my intent is that it will reach the right people at just the right time–so please, share away!! I’m so glad you liked it!



  3. Reblogged this on Totally Inspired Mind… and commented:
    From the empowering blog called Remembering Infinity comes this wonderful piece about loving yourself just the way you are now!
    Paulette Le Pore Motzko
    Creator of Totally Inspired Mind: Where Positive Minds Congregate


  4. The post is lovely. 🙂


  5. Reblogged this on thereisarainbow and commented:
    Love this post xx


  6. On occasion, when sleep seems so far away and the night is still and calm, I read back on post of those I follow…and…on occasion there happens to be that one person that connects with my being…these words you share and express speak in a most magical way and I am so grateful to have found you and your space. Many blessings to you Stargazer and may loves light always shine ever bright on your journey. ~Matthew

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many blessings to you as well, Matthew! I’m so glad you appreciate my feelings (for what are words, if not feelings expressed?)! 🙂 It’s amazing to me how something as simple as a blog can bring people and ideas together from worlds away, and I’m so grateful I could share something that’s meaningful to you! Thank you so much for your most kind words. You are an inspiration through them and through your work on your blog as well! Love and Light to you and yours! With Gratitude, Stargazer

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Remembering Infinity: Well Wishes and “Divine Fairy Dust” | Remembering Infinity

  8. This is definitely my favorite thing you have written.

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