Remembering Infinity

Spirituality | Metaphysics | Consciousness | Life


Remembering Infinity: Time to Wake Up!


The world is changing and it’s time to wake up!

Good morning! In case you hadn’t noticed, the world is changing and it’s time to wake up!  So yawn, stretch, and do what you need to do to get ready, ’cause there are lots of exciting things to see and do once we open our eyes to the Light and the Truth of an entirely new day.

For thousands of years, mankind has been asleep (and most of us right along with it). As a species, we have been allowing our lower emotions like fear, anger, lust, and greed control our beliefs and actions. Our governments, religions, educational systems, and scientific community have capitalized on these emotions by teaching us that we are all separate, different, and apart from one another—and they have been cashing in on these feelings of separation the entire time. They have judged us, trivialized us, classified us, and divided us into separate races, nations, species, individuals, and even sports teams. As long as we allow these feelings of division to prevail, we will have little choice but to literally “buy into” their expanding control systems of drama, fear, competition, disagreement, conflict—and even war.

Unfortunately, our cultures and societies have grown into a massive machine—one that exploits us and keeps us under control, in the dark, and separated from that which is truly important. In fact, we can see many people moving about in our world today, almost appearing as zombies. They are tuned out to real life and addicted to a digitally-enhanced technological “reality”. When their heads aren’t looking down at screens or plugged with earphones, they’re completely distracted by video games, sports, world “news”, or the latest celebrity drama. And even when they’re not so engaged, they’re either spending every last cent they earn on the “latest and greatest” name-brand product—or working a 60-hour week in order to support the many habits of their artificial and insatiable consumer lifestyle.

Through control of the information, knowledge, and resources we receive, our institutions have created a culture of lack and dependence—where a vast majority of the 7 billion plus people in the world depend upon others for their food, health care, education, financial security, safety, and overall well-being. We’ve even been taught by our various religions that we must depend upon them for our spiritual “salvation”. If we don’t accept their particular brand of truth (and contribute generously to their causes), we’re often told that we’ll be cast into the fires of Hell when we part this world.

To make matters worse, we’re literally bombarded with a constant stream of negativity. “Mainstream Media”, controlled by its corporate affiliations and interests, tells only one side of the story—and it’s nearly all “bad” news. We’re constantly fed with images and words of war, consumerism, illness, disease, poverty, crime, disorder, disaster, and chaos. Advertisements continuously remind us that we are somehow less than perfect—that we need their plastic surgery, medications, sexual enhancement products, or dietary supplements to assure our beauty, health, and well-being.

The Truth is, we’ve all been hoodwinked. We’ve been bamboozled, brainwashed, programmed, tricked, hijacked, held hostage, and even enslaved. Society has manipulated us into focusing all our time and attention on negative and truly trivial things—the very things that feed their corporate, industrial, and institutional machinery. It’s sad to say, but we’ve actually allowed it to happen. We’ve been affected, distracted, and hypnotized by every bit of information or shiny new “bauble” that’s been dangled in front of us.

As bad as this all may sound, there actually is good news. You’ll never hear it from any of these dubious entities, but we are the ones who are ultimately in charge of our own destiny. Once we’ve been awakened to their hidden agendas, we can decide whether or not to support them or even believe what they tell us. We can decide to be more awake and aware of all this negative “programming” and tune out the things that no longer serve us.

We have all been given the wonderful gift of Free Will by our Creator and are able to make our own choices. We can decide right now, at this very moment, that we are responsible for ourselves and our own future. We can decide right now that we can begin to change our attitudes and habits to reflect a more positive world view—one that addresses more of the things we wish to see in our future. Things like peace, health, appreciation, cooperation, and abundance. Finally, we can decide right now to focus more and more attention on the things that are truly important—things like family, personal relationships, personal growth, learning, and re-connecting ourselves to and exploring the endless wonders of the real world around us.

So with that said, I’ll ask you this. Now that you’re awake, are you going to get up and help make a change for the better—or are you just going to hit the “Snooze” button and go back to sleep?



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Remembering Infinity: Hidden Beauty (Image Format)

beautiful stones2small

I really like the image/poster format others do with brief, thought-provoking messages, so I thought I’d try one as a follow up to my previous post, “Hidden Beauty”.  I hope you enjoy it!



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Remembering Infinity: The “Ripple Effect”

Good deeds are like ripples on a pond—each spreads out to inspire and move others into like action.

Good deeds are like ripples on a pond—each spreads out to inspire and move others into like action.

Quite some time ago, perhaps a year or two, I found myself rather frustrated at the apparent state of the world in which we live.  Economic downturns, political bickering, global conflicts, and society’s apparent obsession with celebrity, material wealth, and petty “reality television” drama left me with the feeling that our planet was hopelessly caught in a downward spiral—much like the one that results when the handle is pushed down on a toilet.

It wasn’t too long afterward, however, that a sequence of unexpected events changed my point of view (and that’s a whole other story).  Along with this change in attitude, I began to take ownership in the creation of the kind of future I wished to see.  I decided I would start changing the world—even if I had to do it all by myself!

I know what you must be thinking, because at the time, I was thinking it myself.  How could a regular guy like me possibly change a world that’s populated by more than 7 billion people?

I began to think about others in history who had made a difference.  I thought about Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Graham Bell, and Rosa Parks.  I thought about countless others, like Wilbur and Orville Wright, Mahatma Ghandi, and Mother Theresa.  Weren’t they people too, just like you and me? Of course!  These individuals became famous for their extraordinary impact on our world, but if they could bring about such positive change, why couldn’t I?  Why couldn’t you?  For that matter, why couldn’t anyone?

There’s no question that every little thing we do—no matter how small we may perceive it to be, changes the world in some way.  If we could only put more thought and a little bit of daily effort into making the world a better place, we might be surprised at how quickly things change.  As if struck by lightning, I felt like I suddenly knew the secret.  We just need to start with ourselves and do it—one good deed at a time!*

So let’s think about that for a moment.  Suppose you’re walking down the sidewalk and you pick up and properly dispose of a piece of trash that someone carelessly tossed away.  Several people see this and are inspired to do the same thing later in the day.  Several more people see these people behaving selflessly and they decide to do the same—and so on, and so on, and so on.

A good deed might be as simple as offering a nod and a friendly smile to someone passing by.  It could be a kind word of encouragement or an unexpected compliment to a coworker.  Perhaps it’s a small gesture of respect—like holding a door for someone, turning the car stereo down a notch or two at a stoplight, or letting a harried mother and her infant go ahead of you in line at the grocery store.  Or it might even be something helpful—like helping someone carry groceries or change a flat tire.  We might not realize it, but all these little things have a “ripple effect”—just like the tiny ripples that form and spread when a stone is tossed into still water.  Each good deed touches another human being, who touches another, who touches another, and so on.

Just imagine how much better things would be if everyone did just one nice thing for someone else each day!  Even better, what if everyone made it their habit to do more and more kind, respectful things for others every day?  War, poverty, and hunger might cease to exist, as well as pollution, crime, and all forms of abuse.  Now those are some changes I think we can all appreciate!

So please don’t think for even one single minute that “common”, ordinary people like you or me can’t change the world—because, in fact, we can.  If we all work together, each in his or her own, unique way, perhaps all our “ripples” will build the waves that shape a brilliant, new future.

Who knows?  We may even be able to create an entirely new kind of world—and wouldn’t that be nice?



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* Some may be interested to note that, after I wrote this sentence in my rough notes, I just “happened” to glance up at the clock.  I wasn’t too surprised to see that it read 11:11 (that kind of thing has been happening more and more to me lately).  I guess it’s just another of those synchronistic events to show us that we’re never truly alone!

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Remembering Infinity: Energetic Universe

Energy isn’t just abundant in the Universe—there’s an infinite supply.  In fact, everything is a form of energy!  Photo Credit: National Weather Service

Energy isn’t just abundant in the Universe—there’s an infinite supply. In fact, everything is a form of energy! Photo Credit: National Weather Service

Sometimes it’s difficult to maintain a positive attitude—especially when things, from our limited perspective, don’t seem to be going our way. The steady bombardment of negative images and messages we receive, as well as endless demands for our time and attention, often leave us feeling tired, frustrated, and empty.

To make matters worse, we are sometimes reminded that stressors not only drain our energy when we are aware of them, they also drain us subconsciously—even when we are not actively engaged with or thinking about them! I suppose it’s a bit like those background systems that continue to draw electricity—even after we think we’ve turned off our computers and appliances. How then, is it possible to preserve our personal and “spiritual” energy? After all, we can’t just “unplug” ourselves from life and hope for the best—or can we? Believe it or not, in a way, we can.

Because our bodies depend upon us as much as we depend upon them, we should always make certain we are properly addressing our most basic physical needs first. Naturally, this requires that we receive adequate rest, sleep, and exercise. Of course, we should also take proper steps to maintain a healthy diet, seek appropriate medical care when it is needed, and properly manage our stress.

Where “spiritual” energy is concerned however, I’ve found it necessary to make some slight adjustments in my way of thinking. The first was to understand that the energy I always thought of as “mine” really isn’t. It all belongs to—and comes from, the “Universe”. I just borrow some of it for a short time and focus it on the things that are important to me. Once I accepted that concept, I quickly began to appreciate the fact that energy isn’t just abundant in the universe, it’s everywhere. This is because everything, at its most basic, quantum level, is made from energy—even our own human bodies. Clearly, I realized, there must be an infinite supply of it! To make the best use of this endless supply, we simply need to understand that we are only limited by our own thoughts and actions.

As I thought about this universal energy and how we use it, I also considered the fact that nature seeks balance in all things. Whenever something moves (take air or water for example), something always flows in to take its place. This is true for energetic processes as well. Therefore, as a person focuses his or her attention on something, an energetic flow begins to travel through them, from the infinite, universal supply. As this energy moves, new energy immediately flows in to replace it. There’s no need for anyone to concern themselves with altering, stopping, or adding to the flow just because they feel it may be “too little” or “too much”. They need only focus their attention, do what they feel is necessary in the moment, and let go—trusting that Universe will take over from there and resolve things in its own perfect way. It occurred to me that this may be one of the easiest ways to “unplug” ourselves—we simply do our best, detach ourselves from any expected outcome and let the Universe do all the “heavy lifting”.

With this in mind, I’ve chosen to embrace this process as my preferred method of spiritual “energy management”. I now think of it as a team effort, wherein I do what I feel guided to do, then I simply let go and let the Universe do the rest. With such a powerful, co-creative process at work, how could one not move forward with an expanding sense of grace, confidence, and ease?



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Remembering Infinity: Don’t Give Up!

Each person's unique "light" is as important to the world as any other.  The needless loss of one is a tragic loss for all.

Each person’s unique “light” is as important to the world as any other. The needless loss of one is a tragic loss for all.

The recent death of talented actor/comedian Robin Williams touched me quite deeply—as it did so many others around the world.  While we will miss his presence greatly, his gifts of joy and laughter will continue to delight countless others as his extraordinary work takes on new life of its own.  Few could ever ask for—much less expect to leave, such a grand legacy behind.

What is most disturbing to many wasn’t necessarily Mr. Williams’ death, but the manner in which it reportedly occurred.  How could one so respected and revered—even adored by so many, have possibly taken his own life? What was it that seemed so terrible, so devastating, or so hopeless that it resulted in this tragedy?  And wasn’t there anything anyone could have done to prevent it?

I recall asking myself the same questions a number of years ago when my grandfather committed suicide.  A proud, independent man in his early 80’s, he apparently decided to take his own life when he realized that some age-related health conditions might take away his ability to drive.  He loved to travel and would take frequent trips, often driving thousands of miles to see and photograph the natural wonders of Alaska, Canada, and the Western United States.  His perceived loss of independence, together with other seemingly insurmountable concerns, must have become more than he could bear.  Whatever his burden, it led to his ultimate decision.  I do understand that it was his life—and I will always respect his right to make that choice for himself, but I can’t help but feel it was an unnecessary and painful one—both for him and our family.

In my career, I’ve dealt with a number of suicidal people over the years.  Thankfully, most of them made it through their crises.  While I can’t judge or even begin to understand their hopelessness, in nearly every case the problem they cited as the main reason for their despair was a transitory one.  In other words, it was something temporary that was likely to get better with time.  In many cases, it was even something “fixable”.  Death is not. Once one’s choice to die is acted upon, there’s usually no going back.

I know it must be extremely difficult for a person to see past their suffering in such a desperate situation, but if you are someone who is even thinking of ending your own life (or if you know someone who is), please don’t give up! Reach out for help. Know that, even if you think no one truly cares about you, there are millions of people who do—even though you may not know them.  In fact, many are ready to assist you in working things through and they are only a phone call away.  If you don’t have or know the suicide prevention hotline in your local area, just dial 9-1-1.  You may not see it at the moment, but people do care and you are loved. Your unique “light” is as important to our world as any other and to extinguish it needlessly would be a tragic loss for all.

On the other side of the coin, if you’re reading these words, you can easily help through the simple act of sharing. Share your love with those in your life—as much as you can, as often as you can—every single day. Let them know you care.  This knowledge may be the one last thing that gives someone with little hope the courage to go on living.  If everyone was to do the same and just one person’s life was saved as a result—perhaps even someone in your family, it would certainly be worth it.

In fact, even absent such dire circumstances, it would still be worth it.  After all, when it comes to love, can we ever give or receive too much?



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Remembering Infinity: Balance


“Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.” Thomas Merton

Science has shown that, for a variety of reasons, the humble triangle is the strongest and most stable geometric shape of all. The equilateral triangle in particular (a triangle with all sides and angles being equal) represents perfect balance between all the elements of its shape. The spiritual version of a triangle, a “Trinity,” typically represents the harmonious union of two different aspects of self to create a third.

The true beauty of this wonderful arrangement becomes evident only when we consider the relationship of these elements and what is formed as a result. Take the two “polar” opposites of hot and cold, for example. As long as they are taken separately there is only duality—two diametrically opposed extremes on either end of a scale. Once they are brought together however, they temper and balance each another to form a third, new aspect—in this case, “warm”. The previously straight, flat line that kept us trapped between two opposing choices suddenly has depth—and a new, dynamic flow between all the elements becomes possible. Most would agree that in the new choice of temperatures, this new possibility is a highly desirable one—for without it we couldn’t enjoy warm blankets on a cold day, warm, sandy tropical beaches, or soft, warm cookies, fresh from the oven.

If we look carefully at the unspoiled grace and beauty of Nature, this “Trinity” concept of creative balance is demonstrated in countless ways. Between dark and light there is shadow. Positively- and negatively-charged particles interact to become neutral. In the blustery posturing of wind and weather, high- and low-pressure systems find their balance in calm. Throughout nature, the male and female of each species join to create new life—life that reflects the characteristics of both in equal measure.

Even our modern human world is rife with examples of duality and polarity—and within each dichotomy there exist a multitude of other possibilities and choices. Many would see these as problems to solve or challenges to overcome, but I prefer to think of these as opportunities—opportunities for learning and growth. In the rifts that exist between countries, philosophies, religions, sports factions, and even families, common ground and a potential solution may always be found. One has only to recognize them.

Perhaps the magic of the “Trinity” may be applied to our lives—and indeed, to our interactions with those around us. Is the simple process of finding this balance the key to our discovery of peace and happiness—both within and without? Consider this—between the “selfishness” of ego and our selfless desire to help others there must be a point of equilibrium where all aspects of self are served equally well. If we are able to find this perfect point of balance within ourselves, our families, and our world, how could this not serve to make all our life experiences better?

Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk and author once wrote, “Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm, and harmony.”   Therefore, it is only through an appreciation of all aspects of something that we broaden our perspective and find greater symmetry. We also gain a much greater understanding of the “bigger picture” of life.

If we are to experience the Dance of Life in its fullest we must ever be mindful, not just of the music, the steps, or the partners—but the overall movement, flow, and emotion of all its elements together. It is only by appreciating them all, in perfect balance, as one, that our souls may truly find their greatest fulfillment and joy.



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Remembering Infinity: Fact or Fiction?

Is the information we receive today fact or fiction--or something else entirely?

Is the information we receive today fact or fiction–or something else entirely?

In today’s high-speed, high-technology “Information Age”, we’ve become quite accustomed to having a literal flood of information available at our fingertips. There’s no more searching through stacks of dusty books in a library or traveling thousands of miles to find the information we need. With the touch of a few keys on a keyboard or touchpad and the help of an Internet search engine, we are able to connect to literally tens of thousands of sources of information—on virtually any topic of interest! Within seconds of pushing a virtual button, the information we’re seeking will arrive on our computer or “smart phone” screens, nearly anywhere, as if by magic. How cool is that?

While unrestricted access to this wealth of information certainly has its value, there is a downside. Anyone who has anything to say may, publicly and instantly, post their views through websites or blogs with a variety of supporting images, videos, or audio files. The problem is that, no matter what the subject, the information we receive could be true, untrue, or fall anywhere in between—and it’s always subject to the biases of those who make it available. With so many opportunities to be misled or misinformed, how does one separate fact from fiction?

In the quest for spiritual, metaphysical, or supernatural knowledge, the task of validating information becomes even more difficult—primarily because the subject matter doesn’t easily lend itself to confirmation through the scientific method, facts and figures, or any other generally accepted process. Souls, angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides, “higher realms” of existence (such as “Heaven”), and even a Supreme Being (whom most consider simply as “God”) are all believed to exist by many—but these beliefs have been hotly debated for thousands of years. In a similar way, extra-sensory perception (ESP), “supernatural” beings (such as “Bigfoot” or extraterrestrials), unidentified flying objects (UFOs), channels or mediums (those who claim to communicate with multi-dimensional entities), and near-death experiences (NDEs) are all phenomena that defy rational explanation—yet increasing numbers of credible witnesses report experiencing them every day

On my own quest for arcane knowledge or truth, I’ve found that “logic” is rarely helpful. In most cases, I’m left to weigh the information I’ve been given against my own experience, beliefs, or inherent, inner sense of knowing—what many might consider “gut instinct”. One of the most important aspects of this self-validation process is to try to keep an open mind—to set aside any preconceived notions and personal or societal biases in order to consider new information on its own merits. It also helps to research information and seek validation through a variety of trustworthy sources—those whose motives and ethics are transparent and sincere.

When considering the truth of supernatural phenomena, it’s important to remember that nearly all of mankind’s cultures have believed in and embraced these beliefs for countless ages. It seems that it is only today’s modern skeptics who refuse to believe anything that cannot be proven by empirical evidence or mainstream science. Unfortunately, if something can’t be easily explained, is not fully understood, or is otherwise considered beyond the limits of ordinary acceptance, it is simply discounted as lunacy or “science fiction”. In a similar manner, those who even entertain the possibility that such things might actually exist are sometimes openly ridiculed for their objectivity or beliefs.

In the end, as it must always be, the final determination of truth in anything is left to the individual. I suppose one could always view the “fact vs. fiction” question as being a part of the adventure of exploration—wherein one may never be quite certain of the truth. In fact, one could easily imagine the entire learning process as a mystery novel—one that’s full of suspenseful drama, unexpected twists and turns, puzzling dead-ends, and shocking surprises. After all, what is life—if not the greatest mystery ever told?



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Remembering Infinity: Anything is Possible!

It's not impossible.  It just hasn't been done yet.

It’s not impossible. It just hasn’t been done yet.

I had originally planned to write about this topic at a later date, but something I read yesterday prompted me to address it much sooner.  If there’s one thing that gets me “fired up” and even more determined, it’s when someone tells me that something I’m working hard to achieve is “impossible”.

In my mind, to say that something is “impossible” is to openly admit defeat.  It discourages starting or even trying.  It’s making an excuse for failure.  It’s giving up.  It’s quitting.  It’s surrendering without offering any resistance whatsoever.  It’s denying any and all possibility that something could occur and deciding that it cannot happen under any circumstance. To say that something is “impossible” completely disregards human perseverance, ingenuity, will, effort, and creativity.  It also rejects the nebulous influence of magic, luck, miracles—and even Divine Intervention.  Saying that something is “impossible” is deciding for the entire world that this thing cannot ever be done, period.

How can anyone truthfully say that something is impossible?  It’s not that something is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet.

The word “impossible” is a relative term for, what is not possible to one may simply be a challenge to another.  Did the ancient Greek philosophers, Pythagorus or Aristotle allow contemporary beliefs that the Earth was flat deter them from proving otherwise? No. Did Helen Keller use her deafness, blindness, and inability to speak as an excuse to prevent her from earning a university degree and becoming a teacher of the disabled? No. Did Charles Lindberg let skeptics keep him from crossing the Atlantic Ocean on the first non-stop Trans-Atlantic flight? Certainly not! It’s because these forward-thinkers decided that anything was possible.

Just over 100 years ago, nearly everyone thought that human flight was impossible.  Before the 1930’s, few could even comprehend the concept of television, much less believe that such a thing could exist.  What about space flight?  Radio?  Telephone?  Computers?  The list could go on and on.  If all these things were once “impossible”, then how is it that today we are able to circumnavigate the world in hours, travel to the moon, and communicate instantly—with nearly anyone, anywhere in the world?

It’s because anything is possible!

Many years ago, someone of authority and experience once told me that I could not succeed in maintaining a full-time job while attending an intensive 6-month career training program.  He told me that graduation under those circumstances was “impossible”. He was wrong. I graduated.  Not only did I graduate, I graduated in the top ten of a class with nearly forty others.  I can’t say it was easy—in fact, it wasn’t.  It was extremely difficult.  But difficult is difficult.  Difficult is not impossible.

Those who use the word “impossible” to describe an endeavor reject every possibility or circumstance except failure.  When one ascribes to this way of thinking, they not only place limits upon themselves, they impose them on others as well.  As long as we allow someone else to decide what is—or is not possible for us, we have absolutely no control over our own future and, most likely, very little chance of succeeding at anything.  Only we can decide what is possible or impossible for ourselves.

To those who may wish to limit themselves, I would say—please do! Go right ahead.  Feel free to limit yourself all you want—but please don’t impose limitations on me or anyone else by falsely claiming any authority to decide for us what is possible and what is not.

Why not? Because anything is possible!



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Remembering Infinity: Going with the Flow

Rapidly changing circumstances require flexibility—that is, “going with the flow”.

Rapidly changing circumstances require flexibility—that is, “going with the flow”.

During a few recent visits to a variety of online metaphysical and Lightworker communities, I’ve been very glad to see a great deal of discussion about duality, choice, and the most effective ways to effect constructive change.  It’s encouraging to see so many people from all over the world “awakening” to the things that are truly important—and freely contributing to the open exchange of new thoughts and ideas.

While nearly everyone seems to agree upon the need for balance and calm as we move forward through uncertain times, there do seem to be some rather strong opinions regarding the type of actions to be taken in a given situation (for example, one group advocates sending Love/Light, while another suggests paying no attention).  I understand how many may believe that their preferred approach is always the best choice, but it occurs to me that “one reaction fits all” and “either/or” propositions are rarely the ideal way to gracefully overcome challenges or resolve complex issues.

In many ways, the rapidly changing circumstances we face today require flexibility—that is, “going with the flow” and being able to change tactics or directions quickly should the need arise.  Flexibility also calls for a rapid understanding of each situation and the use of those actions which are most appropriate for the specific conditions that exist that time. Surprisingly, this may even include the use of a blended solution, where some elements from diametrically opposed approaches may actually be utilized together—often to great advantage.

Interestingly enough, as I first wrote down the last paragraph in my first draft notes for this post, I felt my attention suddenly drawn to the window.  There, high above me in the branches of a tree, I caught sight of a tiny hummingbird in flight.  As I watched him quickly flitting backward, forward, and sideways, it immediately dawned on me how perfectly this beautiful creature’s natural abilities illustrated the very concept I had just described!  Isn’t it amazing how synchronicities magically appear, just when we least expect them?

But I digress.  As far as “right” action is concerned, one of the most important things we can do to bring about constructive change is to assure ourselves that we are thinking and acting in a way that is aligned with our own highest truth and integrity. No matter what the challenge, if we take a moment to center ourselves, find calm, and quietly seek guidance from within, we may more easily discover the thoughts and actions that best express our highest intent at that moment.  It is only through embracing and acting upon these higher callings that we will know we have done our very best—something that is for the greatest benefit of all concerned.

Finally, I AM grateful that we are all here together to witness, participate in, and help create this exciting time of change.  We are being provided with a wonderful opportunity—one through which we may practice working together, as a team.  As long as we continue to respect and appreciate each others’ special talents, energies, and unique ways of expression, we can’t help but be successful in our efforts to create a New Earth and experience a bright, new way of living!



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