Remembering Infinity

Spirituality | Metaphysics | Consciousness | Life


Remembering Infinity: The Keys to Spiritual Freedom

I’m convinced that Forgiveness and Unconditional Love are the keys to our Spiritual Freedom.

Are Forgiveness and Unconditional Love the keys to Spiritual Freedom?

Several months ago I wrote about Forgiveness as a helpful practice for day-to-day living.  Since then, I’ve done a lot of thinking about Spiritual Evolution—and I’ve come to think of Forgiveness in a much more expansive way.  As a result of this deeper consideration, I’ve become convinced that Forgiveness is actually one of the most important keys to Spiritual Freedom.

To help understand why Forgiveness is such an important concept, one must first gain a general understanding of “karma” (as derived from ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions).  The idea of karma (also referred to by some as the Universal Law of Cause and Effect) is that the sum of a person’s actions decides the nature of their destiny and future experience.  I sometimes think of karma as energy, but perhaps money may be something that’s easier to visualize.

So let’s imagine that we all go through life accumulating karma in the form of money.  For every kind, loving, or compassionate thing we do, we receive a dollar that goes into our karmic “bank account”.  For every mean, judgmental, or hateful thing we do, we lose a dollar and incur a karmic debt that must be paid back.  Conversely, if someone does us harm, they now owe us a karmic debt that must eventually be paid back.  If either party is unable to repay their karmic debts in a given lifetime, then both must reincarnate in a future life in an effort to balance things out.  If this is truly the case, it’s quite easy to see how a soul could quickly become entangled in a “karmic wheel” that may continue spinning for lifetime after lifetime.

To further complicate things, some even suggest that we accumulate a form of “collective” karma.  That is, our individual souls must take some responsibility for the actions of our species.  Human beings, for example, must all share some responsibility for wars, social injustices, and the exploitation and pollution of our Earth and its natural resources.  It has also been suggested that we may even inherit a bit of “residual” karma from our ancestors.  In other words, some of the negative energy from their karmic deeds may imprint itself on our DNA—or perhaps it’s merely a case of some negative habits and actions being passed down from our grandparents to our parents, and so on.  I definitely understand the feelings of consternation that arise with this.  After all, why should we have to pay for something that someone else did in our family tree—or something that another human being has done halfway across the globe?  What does that have to do with us?  Be that as it may, in many ways these ideas make sense and I’m inclined to believe they’re true.

On the face of it, this all seems rather complex and quite a difficult challenge to overcome. If we are to ever have hope of “balancing our books” and advancing spiritually, what’s a soul to do?

For me, the answer is actually quite simple.

First, do your best to build up a “positive” karmic bank account.  Follow “The Golden Rule” by treating others as you would like to be treated.  Be kind.  Be respectful. Love others without expecting anything in return.  Love them unconditionally. Why unconditionally, you may ask? Because—if you treat someone well or love them with the expectation that they repay you in some way, you generate a karmic debt for them.  If they aren’t able to repay that debt in this lifetime, then they—and you will need another chance to even things out.  Then you’re both right back on that karmic wheel again. But if you Love someone unconditionally, there are no debts to repay!

Second, just forgive. According to the scriptures, Jesus taught Forgiveness—and I believe this is one of the main reasons why.  Think about it.  If you forgive yourself for any misdeeds, then work hard to Love others unconditionally, you’ll eventually pay off any karmic debt you may have accumulated without building up more.  If you also forgive others—that is, absolve them of their karmic debts to you, you will have set them free from having to repay you.  Therefore, by practicing forgiveness, you set everyone free—including yourself.

Now, any time someone does something that negatively affects me, I immediately forgive them and let their “transgression” go.  Then I silently offer them Unconditional Love.  I must admit that this is rather difficult to do at times for, like many, I tend to take things too personally—and “relive” events over and over, every time I think of them.  I’ve learned however, that each time I think about a perceived transgression, I can simply choose to forgive and let go again. In so doing, I know I’ll eventually train my mind to respond in an entirely different way.  My expectation is that, one day, I’ll be able to process an event once—and not have to revisit it again at all.

When it comes to our Spiritual Advancement, whether it’s considered individually or collectively, I’ve become a firm believer that Forgiveness and Unconditional Love are essential.  I’m convinced they’re the keys that unlock the Higher Realms of Spirit—and if we learn to use them well, we’ll all one day be able to set ourselves free from the ties that seem to limit and bind us so strongly to the past.



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Remembering Infinity: Co-creating Our Future

Do we really create our own future and change our world by changing our own “energy” and thoughts?  Why yes, we do!

Do we really co-create our own future and change our world by changing our own “energy” and thoughts? Why yes, we do!

Over the past few years, one of the things that has fascinated me is the concept that we create (and collectively co-create) our own future through a process that some call the “Law of Attraction”. This simply means that we attract future situations and conditions to us through our thoughts, intentions, and actions. Hmmmm. I know. Some of you may think that sounds an awful lot like New Age “mumbo-jumbo”—and I can certainly understand why you may not be entirely convinced.

But let’s look at it this way. Every day when you get up, you think about what you need to do. There are personal needs, then work, school, and chores—or perhaps you’re on vacation and decide to relax and see some of the sights.  Once you’ve thought about these things and made plans, don’t you just do them?  Don’t the things you do and the decisions you make have a direct impact on what “happens” to you during your day?  You may certainly correct me if I’m wrong, but by thinking about and then acting upon your intentions, you create a significant part of your own future experience!   I know we don’t tend to think much about it, but we create our future, just like that—every day of the week.

This aspect of creation is generally accepted by most people of course but, believe it or not, it’s also a very limited way of thinking.  Most people wouldn’t argue the fact that we can create some aspects of our future through our Free Will choices and actions, but that’s exactly where their vision ends.

The more I study and learn about metaphysics, the more I find that we affect our world and our environment in very subtle ways—ways many of us can’t even begin to imagine or understand. In a previous post, “On Beads and Timelines”, I wrote about how we subtly shift ourselves through a variety of different timelines, thereby creating countless future possibilities through the personal choices we make. We also attract to us, on a quantum (sub-atomic) level, those very conditions we need to progress and grow spiritually—and I’m pleased to suggest that this may just be the beginning!

What I’ve been observing lately is that, as my attitude and personal energy changes in either a “positive” or “negative” way, this somehow affects the world around me in a similar manner. As I change myself from within, I eventually see these changes reflected externally—and these changes seem to be occurring more and more quickly as I gain confidence in the process. When I choose to be more calm and happy, for example, I notice those around me seem to be much more calm and happy. When I’m in such a state of mind, I experience much less drama, discord, and outright conflict. I also know that things are much more apt to go smoothly and well. Drawing from several years of similar experiences and observations, I’m certain that we not only affect one another energetically, we also change our immediate surroundings—and, in a cumulative and collective way, our entire world.

So as we begin this bright, shining New Year, I’ve already set my intentions to work with others and experience a world that is filled with Gratitude, Peace, and Love. Why not think about and begin consciously co-creating the future you wish to see in 2015—and beyond? All you have to do is begin with yourself. Like ripples on a pond, your energy will project outward—blending with the energy of others to create the change you would like to see.

There’s no better time to start than right now. There’s a fresh New Year at hand and the sky’s the limit! Wait…let me rephrase that. There’s a fresh New Year at hand and there are no limits!

May you and your loved ones enjoy countless blessings not just today and throughout the New Year, but always!



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Remembering Infinity: If You Don’t Mind…

Age (and every other limitation you can think of) is a case of mind over matter.  If you don’t mind, it just doesn’t matter!

Age (and every other limitation you can think of) is a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it just doesn’t matter!

There’s a familiar philosophical saying that states, “Where attention goes, energy flows”. A similar quote by noted psychiatrist and psychotherapist Carl Jung states, “What you resist, persists.” To me, these perceptive sayings are two similar ways of saying the same thing—they simply mean that the more we focus on something, the stronger it grows and the longer it will remain in our consciousness. Whether they’re aches and pains, negative thoughts, or allergies and illness, the more thought and attention we give them, the greater will be their affect upon us.

I’m sure you’ve all had those days—the ones where you get up in the morning and you just feel “off” somehow? You may have even gone to bed early and slept well, but when it came to getting up you just weren’t feeling the enthusiasm you needed to actually get up and carry on with the day. Sometimes, you might succumb to the feeling, shut off the alarm, call in sick to work, and pull the covers back over your head. Other days you might just shake it off, get up, and get on with it—often finding that your weariness was just a temporary feeling.

So what made the difference between these two reactions to a less-than-stellar start to the day? You did! In the latter reaction, you looked past a limiting, negative feeling and chose to focus on the possibility that you could experience something better instead. By making the conscious choice to get up and embrace the day despite your initial feelings, you set your intent to look past these limitations and experience the day in a new and positive way.

There are lots of other times when this strategy is helpful as well. When things suddenly go wrong during the day, when we feel illness or pain, or when we’re feeling afraid, frustrated, and angry, we’re often tempted to surrender to the influence of these negative “triggers”. At such times it’s important to realize that we do have a choice. We can allow them to overcome us—or not. If we acknowledge them, accept them, appreciate them, and let them go, we may then consciously choose to look past them and focus instead on the things, already inside us, that we would rather acknowledge and bring forward—things like health, strength, calm, and comfort. When we make the right choice, often before we even realize it, the unpleasant thoughts or feelings will have passed and we’ll be right back on track.

I think of this principle often, but I can almost guarantee I’ll be reminded of it every year on my—or someone else’s birthday. Those are the occasions when some have a tendency to bemoan life and complain about getting another year older. Me? Nah. I don’t think so! I choose to embrace the day. I’m grateful to have experienced another 365 days of life on this wonderful earth of ours—and I’m looking forward to experiencing as many more as I possibly can before I move on to the next mysterious adventure that awaits.

As I frequently tell my family and anyone else who will listen, age (and every other limitation you can think of) is just a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it just doesn’t matter!



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Remembering Infinity: The Gift of Now

The moment I’m standing in right now is my power!

The moment I’m standing in right now is my power!

In my last post, “Spirit Anchors”, I expressed some thoughts about the importance of letting old attachments to past experiences and feelings go in order to move forward in life. As I wrote about this, another important concept came to mind that I’ll be addressing today. That’s the idea that our greatest power lies in “The Now”.

In addition to releasing the feelings and thoughts that limit us, I’ve often heard others suggest that we must “reclaim our power” in order to move on—as if we have somehow scattered our energy all over the Cosmos and it needs to be gathered again.

Whenever I consider the last notion, I have to laugh, for I imagine myself with an imaginary butterfly net in hand, frantically rushing about in an effort to chase down and recapture all my previously spent energy—just so I may somehow recycle it. It doesn’t have to be nearly that difficult—really! All that’s truly necessary is to realize that all the authority, all the energy, and all the power we need is right here, right nowin the miracle of the present moment.

The greatest beauty of the gift of “Now” is that we can change our minds, change our focus, and therefore change our future any time we wish—and every new “Now” moment presents us with the perfect opportunity to do so.

Me? I’ve decided to drop that useless butterfly net. I no longer waste my time trying to hunt down old, spent energy.  There’s plenty more fresh energy where that came from (see my related post, “Energetic Universe“)–and I’ve learned that the moment I’m standing in right now is my power. Everything I need to move forward is right here, ready to move with me and through me in a powerful, infinite flow. I know that all I have to do is step forward to engage it—not only in this moment, but the next, and the next, and the next…



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Remembering Infinity: Anything is Possible!

It's not impossible.  It just hasn't been done yet.

It’s not impossible. It just hasn’t been done yet.

I had originally planned to write about this topic at a later date, but something I read yesterday prompted me to address it much sooner.  If there’s one thing that gets me “fired up” and even more determined, it’s when someone tells me that something I’m working hard to achieve is “impossible”.

In my mind, to say that something is “impossible” is to openly admit defeat.  It discourages starting or even trying.  It’s making an excuse for failure.  It’s giving up.  It’s quitting.  It’s surrendering without offering any resistance whatsoever.  It’s denying any and all possibility that something could occur and deciding that it cannot happen under any circumstance. To say that something is “impossible” completely disregards human perseverance, ingenuity, will, effort, and creativity.  It also rejects the nebulous influence of magic, luck, miracles—and even Divine Intervention.  Saying that something is “impossible” is deciding for the entire world that this thing cannot ever be done, period.

How can anyone truthfully say that something is impossible?  It’s not that something is impossible, it just hasn’t been done yet.

The word “impossible” is a relative term for, what is not possible to one may simply be a challenge to another.  Did the ancient Greek philosophers, Pythagorus or Aristotle allow contemporary beliefs that the Earth was flat deter them from proving otherwise? No. Did Helen Keller use her deafness, blindness, and inability to speak as an excuse to prevent her from earning a university degree and becoming a teacher of the disabled? No. Did Charles Lindberg let skeptics keep him from crossing the Atlantic Ocean on the first non-stop Trans-Atlantic flight? Certainly not! It’s because these forward-thinkers decided that anything was possible.

Just over 100 years ago, nearly everyone thought that human flight was impossible.  Before the 1930’s, few could even comprehend the concept of television, much less believe that such a thing could exist.  What about space flight?  Radio?  Telephone?  Computers?  The list could go on and on.  If all these things were once “impossible”, then how is it that today we are able to circumnavigate the world in hours, travel to the moon, and communicate instantly—with nearly anyone, anywhere in the world?

It’s because anything is possible!

Many years ago, someone of authority and experience once told me that I could not succeed in maintaining a full-time job while attending an intensive 6-month career training program.  He told me that graduation under those circumstances was “impossible”. He was wrong. I graduated.  Not only did I graduate, I graduated in the top ten of a class with nearly forty others.  I can’t say it was easy—in fact, it wasn’t.  It was extremely difficult.  But difficult is difficult.  Difficult is not impossible.

Those who use the word “impossible” to describe an endeavor reject every possibility or circumstance except failure.  When one ascribes to this way of thinking, they not only place limits upon themselves, they impose them on others as well.  As long as we allow someone else to decide what is—or is not possible for us, we have absolutely no control over our own future and, most likely, very little chance of succeeding at anything.  Only we can decide what is possible or impossible for ourselves.

To those who may wish to limit themselves, I would say—please do! Go right ahead.  Feel free to limit yourself all you want—but please don’t impose limitations on me or anyone else by falsely claiming any authority to decide for us what is possible and what is not.

Why not? Because anything is possible!



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